Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Let's get this started.

This is my first crack at this blogging thing. For all I know "blogging" may already be passe. I have always wanted to be a writer of some sort. I have always been told that I have a way with the written word. A good friend and busines partner refers to me as the "wordsmith". This is the inspiration behind the title of my blog.

I hope to use this space to explore my interests in all sorts of writing. At this point I do not have much of an idea as to how that may manifest itself, but I am leaving myself open to whatever inspiration may thrust itself upon me.

Please check back often as I intend to exercise my digits often as I get a feel for where I am going with this space. If you take the time to read something be sure and leave me some feedback as well!


1 comment:

Karmic Cowboy said...

Congrats! You are a writer!