View this post in it's entirety HERE.
Back in February I decided to start flexing my writing muscles again. I actually made a semi-public statement about it to create some accountability for myself. I did not do a very good job of following through on that! So… I am again on September 6th seven months later making the same affirmation. The good news is that we all have a choice each day. We can begin anew at any moment of our choosing. I choose now!

I found this amazing rock on my way to summit the Middle Teton this past weeekend....More about this very special rock later.
Here is a link to that post from back in February. It is a pretty good read if I do say so myself and it has a sampling of some pretty good pics I have taken since moving to the Tetons. Check it out HERE.
Here is my thought from the end of that post:
“I sat down tonight with a firm commitment to begin exercising my writing muscle again. At the top of the page I really had no idea what I might have to say tonight. Just start writing and let it flow. Pure, honest thoughts that are bouncing around in my head. Sitting down and pushing these thoughts onto this page have strengthened my resolve to follow through on the fusion of my running adventures/experiences with my writing and the pictures of the amazing places in this world this will take me.”
So as an update to my post from back on that very cold, snowy, beautiful winter day here are a few new thoughts and affirmations:
I still am resolved to bring my love for adventure in this life together with my writing and photography. Now 7 months later I have even more clarity about what that might look like. I know it will be a twisting and turning path to get to my destination, but that is where most of the adventure lies. All those wonderful curve balls life throws at you, all the small beautiful moments, to only be noticed if you are present enough and slow down enough to realize that the place you seek to reach is not going any where.
So as I move forward I am going to:
1. Trust my journey.
2. Be present.
3. Follow my heart.
4. Breathe deeply.
5. Nourish my body.
6. Treasure and grow relationships.
7. Create my ideal scene.
8. Shoot every day. My camera that is….;)
9. Write every day.
10. Walk the Earth and be happy.
Each day for the next 10 days I am going to elaborate on each of the above. Make your today great and drink in your life deeply today. None of us are promised tomorrow.
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